Tuesday, August 31, 2010

bebola tuna-pota-roni.

uhuk2..gedik tak nama juadah buka puasa i ptg ni? ;P

why tuna-pota-roni u might ask? sebabnya, bebola ni i pakai tuna, mashed potato and macaroni. straightforward kan?hehe. resipi ni i suka-suki reka sendiri, sebab tu this time i saje la letak resipinye (sbb sendiri buat, berani la nak letak resipi dlm blog ni. hahaha :P). actually lepas makan fried macaroni squares kat TGI Friday kelmarin, i asek terpk2 dlm kepala mcm mana la nak buat macaroni jadi squares mcm tu..cantik je..last2 td i tak tahan sgt, terus gi dapur pastu campak segala benda ikut suka hati i.

igtkan nak buat squares, tp mcm susah je. so better buat balls, lg senang kan? err..but not really! mase nak menggumpal benda alah ni td punye la mencabar..sbb die taknak melekat sgt..dah letak egg yolk, tepung gandum sikit ngan mashed potato pun die tak berapa nak melekat. stress je. ape agaknye i patut letak ek spy die melekat elok je?maybe i kene golekkan balls ni dgn serbuk roti kot? sesape ade idea tak?? (sifoo mat gebu, tulunggg!!)

bebola tuna-pota-roni with extra hot Nando's piri-piri sauce.

close up view. tak bulat cantik kan? isk2..

nampak tak melted cheese dlm bebola tu? nyummyyy..bertambah tembam la pipi eden pas ni. huhuu..

bahan-bahan bebola tuna-pota-roni (makes about 10-11 medium sized balls):

-dua genggam macaroni : direbus smpai lembut

-sebiji kentang saiz besar : steamed smpai lembut, then mashed

-tuna flakes in brine or oil (ikut suka ye nk byk mane. lerai2kan tuna flakes tu and make sure extra oil/brine ditapis)

-cili merah besar : dicincang halus

-dried parsley (if ade fresh chopped parsley lagi bagus)
-sekeping cheddar cheese :dicubit2 halus

-blackpepper secukupnya

-garam secukupnya

-sedikit tabasco sauce (utk rasa pedas. takde pun takpe)

-1 egg : asingkan kuning telur dgn putih telur
-sedikit tepung gandum utk celup bebola


- campurkan semua bahan2 (kecuali putih telur dan tepung gandum) dlm bekas
-kacau smpai sebati

-bulat2 kan adunan ikut saiz yg disukai, then golekkan bebola dlm putih telur dan akhir sekali golekkan bebola atas tepung gandum

-goreng dlm minyak sederhana panas

-cucukkan dlm lidi (kalau terlebih rajin)

-serve hot with any types of sauce - in this case i prefer Nando's Extra Hot Piri-piri sauce.

ni pulak Chrysanthemum Tea - my favourite drink for buka puasa lately. ni beli kat bazar ramadan je. sedap kunyah bunga die tu. ;)

kenyang pun dah kenyang. nak bersiap pegi terawih. hrpnye larat la nak bgn dr sujud ni ;P

a trip to the Holy Land : Madinah Al- Munawwara (Part 1)

this time around, the trip to the Holy Land is something that i really2 look forward to because it's something that i NEEDED to do. unlike previous times, masa kecik2 dulu, i dont think masa tu i ada rasa apa2 sgt masa pegi Tanah Suci..maklumla, budak kecik bukan tau apa2..pegi sana pun sbb parents bawak kan..lainla skrg dah besar ni..pegi pon dgn hajat, balik pun dgn hajat. semoga dimakbulkan hajat2ku itu , amin ya rabbal alamin :)

so finally, on August 12th, we left Malaysia for Jeddah - on a Saudi Arabian Airlines flight.

kitorg pegi under UTAS travel & tours. okla kot..my mom took this travel agent because they're able to get us hotels which are near to Masjid Nabawi in Madinah and also in Masjidil Haram in Mekah. unlike Tabung Haji, mmg service they provide sgt2 bagus (in fact sesiapa yg baru 1st time nak pegi Umrah, i mmg highly recommend pegi under Tabung Haji Travels because they look out for you very well) - but the minus point is that dorg tak sediakan hotel yg dekat dgn masjid. takla jauh sgt actually, utk org muda2 bole je jalan..my mom lak mmg nak hotel yg less than 100 metres drp pintu masuk masjid tu because of her knee Osteoarthritis - tak larat dia nak jalan jauh2 kan. kali ni, jemaah yg pegi Umrah under UTAS travel ada 23 org in total, tak ramai sgt.

ni view i amik drp dlm plane otw to Jeddah. nampak desert terbentang luas kat bawah tu.

sampai2 je kat airport Jeddah, it was almost dusk. tgh2 beratur kat immigration tu, azan maghrib berkumandang plak. pak2 arab customs tu plak awal2 lagi dah cabut pegi berbuka. penyudahnye kitorg sume terus duduk atas lantai kat depan immigration tu, and broke our fast with some food that we managed to tapau from the flight.

as soon as we were done with immigration + stuff (which took us almost an hour!) - we wheeled our trolleys out to where our bus had been waiting to take us to Madinah on that same night. usually, sesiapa yg pegi Umrah/Haji ni, mmg akan mendarat kat Jeddah. and from there, sama ada they take a bus or a flight to Madinah pulak. kalau naik bus mcm we all, it took about 6 hours in total. mmg sgt penat..dgn lenguh kaki dlm 8-hour flight tu pun tak lega lagi, ni kene naik bus pulak kan.

nak dipendekkan cerita, smpai2 je kat Madinah dah hampir subuh. lepas turunkan beg dr bus + checked into the hotel, kitorg freshen up a bit and went for subuh in Masjid Nabawi.

ni la Masjid Nabawi drp luar. gmbr ni tak nmpak kubah hijau yg terletak betul2 atas makam Nabi Muhammad (pbuh). now masjid ni dah byk improvement. u all nmpak tak benda mcm tiang tercacak2 tu? believe it or not, tu sebenarnye 'retractable umbrella' tau (if that's what they call it la. that's what I called it anyways ;P).

haa..ni gmbr lebih jelas lagi tunjuk payung tu tgh mengembang at the back of this picture, ade jugak yg tgh kuncup kat bhgn depan tu. gunanye payung ni, bila tghari panas terik (mcm time zuhur or asar), dorg akan 'inflate' these so called umbrellas so that takla panas sgt. they helped a lot really. kalau tak tu, masa 5 years back i igt lg, mase tu takde retractable payung ni tau..mmg panas sgt2..bila jalan je atas lantai marmar putih tu, smpai mata tak boleh bukak sbb terlalu terik, plus white kan reflects light. sgt la silau jadinye. kali ni sejak ada retractable payung ni, it's been a lot better dah. my mom kata sebiji payung tu mahal gila2..yela..teknologi die power tu..i rase tak penah ade lg kot masjid lain dlm dunia ni yg ade retractable payung kan? mesti berjuta2 kos die tu..nasibbaik Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ni mmg kaya ek. hehee

ni masa Zuhur - panas sgt2 sbnrnye. tp disebabkan ade payung tu, jadi redup je.

cantik kan payung2 ni?

this is a typical scene of how a bazaar looks like just beside our hotel. kat Madinah ni, diorg lebih rancak berjual berbanding dgn kat Mekah i rasa. sbbnye, right after subuh je (dlm kol 5am plus), dorg dah bkak kedai dah..kalau kat Mekah, kol 8am lebih baru most of the shops bukak i rasa. hotel kitorg sgt2 dekat dgn masjid nabawi tu, tak smpai 40 langkah kot. so everytime pegi or balik masjid mmg lalu la bazaar ni..ada mcm2 jual: baju, jubah, fruits, wangi2an, tasbih, bags, u name it. semua ada.

ni pulak..haaa..jgn terkejut. this is a picture showing an Indonesian food outlet just in front of my hotel. tgkla gmbr2 makanan yg die jual tu: ade jual bakso, goyang lidah (ataupun known as goreng pisang according to my sister), and also 'sup buntut' (aka sup ekor. Indonesians kat sini mmg suke kot masak sup ekor ni..merata2 i pegi kalau ade Indonesian restaurant, mesti ade menu 'sup buntut' ni. nama die..adeh..takleh lg obscene ke? hehee)

actually kan, dekat tanah suci ni (either Madinah or Mekah), mmg sgt2 ramai Indonesians yg dah menetap kat sana. ramai yg bukak business, ramai jugak yg keje jadi tukang bawak jemaah from Msia, and ramai jugak yg jadi maid kpd mak2 arab yg kaya raya tu. kiranye kat sini u all mmg gerenti akan terserempak la dgn Indonesians ni. so takla rasa mcm out of place sgt kan :)

on day 3 in Madinah, we went on a visit organised by UTAS - tempat2 yg dilawati termasukla tanah perkuburan Baqi', Masjid Quba', pasar kurma, bukit Uhud & sepatutnye kitorg pegi melawat kilang al-Quran jugak, tp kilang tu belum bukak lagi masa ktrg smpai.
ni gmbr Masjid Quba' dari luar. masjid ni masjid pertama yg dibina oleh Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) masa baginda mula2 berhijrah ke Madinah. sbb tu, pahala bersembahyang dlm masjid ni diumpamakan mcm pahala if u buat satu kali umrah. besar pahla tu kan. jadi kalau dtg ke Madinah ni, sila la pegi masjid Quba, atleast utk solat sunat tahiyatul masjid & solat Dhuha. dpt la pahala buat umrah kan :)

next stop was pasar kurma:
tgkla betapa ramainye manusia kat pasar kurma ni. semua pakat borong kurma. kat sini ada mcm2 jenis & grades kurma yg dijual. ada kurma Nabi/kurma Ajwa', kurma Ambar etc. besides kurma, ada jugak jual nuts eg cashew nuts & pistachios.

ni namanya kurma Nabi aka kurma Ajwa'. kalau dtg Madinah mmg tak sah if we all tak beli kurma ni. kalau makan kurma ni, u either eat 1 piece, 3 pieces or 5 pieces or 7 pieces at one go (nombor2 ganjil). sbbnye sunnah Nabi mcm tu. harganya mmg mahal sikit, 1kg = 80 riyal (lebih kurang RM 80 sekilo). kurma ni ada byk gred sbnrnye, ada yg lagi mahal drp ni, and obviously those tastes better la kan. tp kat pasar ni yg paling elok yg 80 riyal sekilo ni. i asked mom to buy 1 kilo, sbbnye kurma Nabi ni i nak buat stock masa i jadi houseman nanti. dah siap pack2 dah in small plastic bags dah, utk letak dlm poket whitecoat i nanti. mane la tau kot2 mase tagging nanti tak sempat nak makan kan..hahaha..mcm2 kan i pk utk dibuat stock masa housemanship ni. lepas ni ape pulak i nak buat stock ek...heehe ;P

ni chocolates - Arab mali. ada kurma salut with chocolates jugak.

ni pulak rupa kurma yg mentah ie fresh dari pokok. boleh dimakan dah ni..infact ade je org2 Arab tu sedekah kat masjid kurma fresh ni. rasa dia juicy & manis jugak, tp pahit at the same time. tak mcm kurma yg kite slalu makan tu, those are all dried dates.
ni gmbr pokok kurma utk sesape yg tak penah tgk. hehee. yg terjuntai2 tu buah kurma la :)

hari ke 4, we all dah bersiap2 utk bertolak ke Mekah pulak. sedih sbb tak boleh spend more than 3 days kat Madinah. besar pahalanya solat kat Masjid Nabi Muhammad saw ni. masa kat Masjid Nabi ni jugak, tak sah kalau tak ziarah Raudhah (ie sebahagian drp Masjid Nabi yg merupakan taman2 syurga. kalau berdoa kat Raudhah ni, Allah janjikan doa2 yg makbul insya allah.) cumanya, nak ke Raudhah ni, ade time2 die. utk wanita usually lepas subuh smpai sebelum zohor, dan jugak lepas terawih. selalunya dekat Raudhah ni ramai pengawal2 wanita Arab yg akan jaga, sbbnye terlalu ramai manusia nak masuk ke Raudhah, sedangkan kawasan tu kecik sj sebenarnye. berpusu2 org akan berebut2, tp kali ni dorg dah buat sistem baru - diorg akan kumpulkan sesiapa yg nak masuk ke Raudhah ni ikut negeri asal masing2. contohnye, org2 Malaysia & Indonesia akan dikumpulkan kat satu bhgn, org2 dr negeri Syams or Syria akan dikumpulkan satu tempat lain, mak2 Turki plak akan dikumpulkan satu tempat lain, dan dorg2 ni akan dilepaskan masuk ke Raudhah mengikut time masing2. biasanya jemaah dr Malaysia/Indonesia akan dilepaskan masuk ke Raudhah last sekali. bayangkan la hari tu my mom and i pegi kol 7 pagi, we all had to wait smpai kol 10pg baru la dorg lepaskan kitorg2 dr Asia ni masuk ke Raudhah. bygkan la kitorg kene tunggu 3 jam.mmg menguji kesabaran..tp pengawal Arab tu sendiri ckp, dorg lepaskan kitorg last sbb die tahu kitorg penyabar & tak aggressive berbanding dgn mak2 arab yg lain..saiz badan pun kebanyakan nye petite2 je kan org2 Asia ni, lainla kalau nak dibandingkan ngan Mak arab or mak2 turki..mmg boleh pengsan kalau kene tolak ngan dorg. so all in all, i think sistem dorg yg baru ni agak efficient jugak, although jemaah Msia/Indonesia la yg paling teruji kesabaran skali :D

ni la die gmbr Raudhah, salah satu dr taman2 syurga. (gmbr ni amek dr internet je, of course i takde mase nak snap picture masa tgh 'berperang' dgn manusia kat dlm Raudhah tu. sgt sesak ok).

Dari Madinah nak ke Mekah kene naik bas jugak, perjalanan dlm 4 hours plus mcm tu. kitorg bertolak tghari lepas zuhur, berbuka pun dlm bas je. UTAS sediakan packed food, tp on the way tu ade jugak ktorg berhenti kat tempat2 makan utk solat, kebetulan ade pak Arab yg sedekahkan 'Nasi Sabil' ie Nasi Arab. nasi arab cam biasa la, ayam dgn nasi die yg panjang2 tu. kenapa dipanggil Nasi Sabil tu mungkin sbb org yg sedekah ni kan selalunye 'Fi Sabilillah' (semata2 kerana Allah), tu yg jadinye Nasi Sabil nama die kot? hehee pandai2 je i ni ek. ;P

fuh panjang la pulak entry kali ni. i think i'll stop here first for part 1, utk part 2 (Mekah), i'll upload later ok? :)

Buka puasa @ TGI Friday's

i haven't had a chance to meet up with my besties since i got home last week, lagipun hari tu when i went for umrah nima ade pesan kurma Nabi/Ajwa' + inai.. so i arranged for a dinner/breakfasting session with both of them @ TGIF Wangsa walk. malas nak pegi jauh2, lgpun time2 puasa ni slalu jalan jammed kan.

sebbaik la TGIF sediakan kurma utk berbuka. OK la kan, wpun kecut2 semua kurma dia. hehee

this was Nima's dinner - chicken sald. just look at how big the portion was!

Asil punye pun tak nak kalah gak..ayam tu half chicken weh! gila apaa..terduduk Asil lepas mkn.huhuu.

my besties: Asil and Nima. (Fifi's missing in this picture. it's usually the four of us).

Nima+ yours truly. (omg pipi ku..makin tembam wor. ni sume salah OCP tuh!! huwarghhh. cehh sendiri melantak tak igt dunia, ade hati salahkan pil plak ek? hahaha :P)

our shotglass-sized desserts.

apsal tah lepas2 subuh td mata mcm segar semacam je. ni yg takde keje mengupdate blog pagi2 ni..slalunye time2 ni tgh sedap membuta ;P ingatkan nak update pasal my trip pegi Umrah hari tu, tp gmbr belum habis upload lg. soon ok? :)

Monday, August 30, 2010


i've been feeling a bit off all day long. rasa mcm mual semacam, loya sgt tekak ni. mmg rasa nak muntah. terpk2 mcm ni ke kalau org mengandung rasa loya ek? i mane tau sbb tak penah mengandung lg (mengandung lemak spare tyre ade la :P hihihi). smpai ke skrg ni pon rasa loya lagi sikit2..td berbuka pun makan takla hebat cam biasa, masak lauk buka puasa td pun suam2 je..sume lauk org pemalas. but come to think of it, i rasa ni mesti keje pil hormon yg i mkn before i pegi umrah hari tu..skrg ni pon dok makan lagi..had to take it to regulate my menses masa kat tanah suci hari tuh. sejak makan those little monsters i slalu rasa bloated, mual2 ni, pastu rase badan pun naik, jerawat pun meletup2 dgn jayanya. haihh..benci!tobat tanak mkn dah pil2 tu!

td loya2 pun, kene gagahkan diri buat my 2nd biskut. nasib baik tak ter-bluwekkk depan cookies tu. huk2.

i call them "Rainbow oats crisps". resipi ni i dah lupa i kutip kat mana..awal2 hari tu dah siap2 salin into my recipe book, tp lupe amek kat blog mana. mintak halal ye tuan punye biskut..i'm actually fond of cookies yg ade oats ni..sbb tu hari tu choc chip cookies pun bubuh oats, yg ni pon biskut oats jugak..layan je laa..tgk la bintang2 meriah atas cookies tu. kalo rumah ni ade budak kecik mesti dorg berebut nak makan kan? :D malangnye takde budak kecik kat umah ni..yg ada cuma kucing tua 2 ekor. huhu..

ade la dpt dlm 150 pieces td. penuh jugak la 1 big jar.

selekeh je rupe cookies i ni sblm dibakar (lepas dibkr pun selekeh gak :P) tp takpela..sebab sendiri nak mkn kan. i'm not really up to making fancy cookies skrg ni..sbbnye, org2 rumah ni bukannye ramai sgt pun nak perabihkan cookies2 tu nanti. one more thing, sbbnye takde pembantu nak tlg i buat. tak larat la i nak patah pinggang sorang2..lainla kalau ade hubby ke nak kasi makan, or ade anak ke yg berebut2 nk makan ye tak. baru la rase semangat sikit nak buat. haih..kene cari calon suami cepat2 la nampaknye ;) hehee.

anyways, ni i tayang jugak la our lauk buka puasa td yg suam2 je tu:

ayam masak merah. takde kacang peas la, slack betul.

mixed vege with egg tofu.

oh, on a brighter note - i've a good news to tell :D. you know i was telling you about the registered letter i was supposed to collect from the post office today? turned out it was not an induction letter after all! yippeeee!! so this technically means that i still have a slim chance of not being called to induction before raya (amin amin aminnnnn). lg seminggu ++ je pun nak raya. couldn't they just let us celebrate raya in peace?? tolong la ya Allah..just let me have another week++ to enjoy the remaining bits n pieces. Amin.

td pun early morning i've been up running errands: pegi post office Jalan Gurney tu, then pegi law firm utk dpt kan signature Pesuruhjaya Sumpah, isi borang Malaysian Medical Council. went to Carrefour to get a decent baju kurung putih for induction, and i also bought 4 dozens of canned milo, coffee and soybean milk for my stock later as a houseman. rase mcm stock up utk musim kemarau je. huhu. now tinggal nak cari a pair of comfy shoes and maybe a few more work attire.

hmm..esok cuti Merdeka. should i make another batch of a different type of cookies?
well, memandangkan skrg ni pun tgh hujan lebat at 10 past 12 midnight - i shall sleep on it first, and see how it goes tomorrow ;).
sweetdreams fellas.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

cookie monster.

malam tadi akhirnye berjaya jugak buat satu jenis cookies. balik2 je terawih (nasib baik last nite masjid umah i tu buat 8 rakaat je ;P) terus bersilat berkungfu segala kat dapur. nak dekat kol 11pm gak la baru project buat cookies ni start. i buat sorang2 je la of course, my sister mane minat nak tlg2 ni. pasrah je la.

so i made double choc chip cookies with almond + oats - resipi ni amek dr blog maklang azie. tak pernah try recipe ni cuz usually i would use our family's choc chip cookies recipe, tp kali ni rase nak try version lain pulak.

ni rupe cookies tu before being baked. adunan tu agak lembik, so i just scooped them out using a spoon je. tgk la rupenye pun huduh semacam..huhu..but i actually prefer cookies which look kind of rustic, takla kemas bulat je..ala, mcm famous amous cookies tu..kan you all tgk huduh je..tak pernah ada shape pun..tp sedap je kan?hehe

they turned out good tau..maybe cuz ade oats in them, so ade kelainan sikit.

ni saje amek close up view :D

so last night i dpt la dlm 200++ pieces of the cookies. takla byk sgt utk dihidang kat org time raye nanti..silap2 sblm raye nanti pun da abes.. hehe..tp takpela, i think maybe later i'll make another batch kot. by the time i habis buat cookies tu sume, dah nak kol 2 a.m. mengantuk toksah ckp la, pastu pinggang rase nak patah! yela dok terbongkok2 depan tv dok scoop out the dough onto the baking tray..mane la tak patah pinggang eden..pastu terus sahur awal, sbb malas nak bgn byk2 kali..udahnye nak dekat kol 3 pagi gakla baru terlelap..mmg takleh amek business buat kuih la i camni..huhu ;P

since i got the letter from SPA semalam and the registered letter (which hasn't been collected at the post office yet, sbb org pos ofis tu ckp tomorrow baru i boleh kutip surat tu - so masih berdebar2 lagi la ni...hadeh..), i was kind of like struck by reality u know. baru la tersedar yg cuti yg hampir 2 bulan ni is coming to an end, and that i'll start working as a doctor soon. i actually feel scared and nervous, because i know first hand that life as a Houseman (houseman = trainee doctor = intern) is not going to be easy. my parents said so, my sister said so, my friends who have worked earlier than me also seemed to be saying the same things. tau2 je lah, Houseman yg keje kat Msia ni mmg kene buli tahap teruk punya..dlm hierarchy Ministry of Health tu kirenye Houseman ni la yg paling bwh skali..basically u work mcm kuli la, sume benda u kene buat..tido tak cukup..makan pun kira lucky la if u sempat nak teguk air. if anythg goes wrong u yg kene eventhough u tak buat benda tu..ade org kata kat i, kalo nak jadi Houseman tak perlu la pandai sgt or genius ke, yg penting u kene ade kebolehan 'tahan maki' - which is so true.

so yeah, i am scared. cuma mampu berdoa je la supaya Allah permudahkan my next 2 years as a Houseman. i have to warn you early though, once i start working, i will barely have time for myself , apetah lagi nak ade masa utk blogging + memasak ni. jadinya bila i kerja nanti this blog will be on hiatus for a long time i guess. sedih pulak lepas ni takleh nak blogging lagi :((

semalam pun, lepas dah isi borang2 SPA tu semua, terus i mcm bersemangat nak punggah my clothes yg berkotak2 masa i kat Penang hari tu. mmg bertimbun2 baju smpai pening kepala. hadehh..but mostly i took out all my baju kurungs, my labcoats, slacks and formal shirts to wear to work. dah siap2 masukkan dlm luggage dah ha..my mom tgk pun terkejut, die ckp mcm i dah ready nak pindah masuk quarters houseman je..huhu..yela, kene la bersedia from now so that i takla terkejut sgt nanti :)

skrg ni ade byk to-do lists. these are what i can think of now:

1. read up Sarawak Handbook of Medical Emergencies and make sure i khatam buku tu before raya ni. pastu kene khatam jugak my Advanced Life Support notes sblm kerja - mana la tau nanti patient i collapse kene resuscitate - tak pasal2 i melangok je tak tau nak buat ape nanti kan. buat malu kolej i je..huhu..

2. kemas and get my other notes for Paediatrics, Obstetrics + Gynaecology, Medicine and Surgery into boxes siap2. i ni jenis yg bace notes sendiri, so kene siapkan nota2 tu dlm kotak from now..nanti kot2 i dpt first posting O+G or paeds ke, takla gelabah nak geledah semua notes tu nanti.

3. find comfy shoes spy kaki tak sakit especially kalo on-call.

4. nanti before start kerja, i kene beli bertin-tin milo and nescafe. they have to be handy in the pantry just in case i don't have time to eat. trust me, dulu my sister mmg tak sempat2 nak makan sehari2. lepas keje masa dah malam baru la bole isi perut. mau tak pengsan..i better be prepared rather than be sorry, right? ;)

so far tu je la yg i bole fikirkan. im sure there's a lot more that needs to be done, but i'll think of the rest as i go along. ni pulak i nak tunjuk buku yg my mom beriya2 suruh i baca hari tu:

haha..lame tak bace novel melayu. buku ni student my mom yg beriya2 recommend kat dia. tu yg my mom pun beli suruh i ngan my sister baca. penulis buku ni mmg doktor pun, but he's completed his Housemanship a long time ago dah..basically buku ni cite pasal jerih payah seorg houseman masa 2 tahun training kat Hospital Selayang (hospital impian i tu) . bole jugak la layan buku ni sbb dia ada cerita pasal agama jugak..i bace buku ni masa dlm flight to Jeddah 2 minggu lepas, dah khatam dah pun :). sesape yg nak jadi doctor, or tgh terpk2 nak jadi doctor, or nak tahu ape rasanya jadi doctor houseman a.k.a kuli - bole la beli dan baca buku ni ye. ;) hehe

petang ni i tak masak. goyang kaki today sbb nak buka puasa with my besties, Asil and Nima. yeayy!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sekembalinye ke dapur..

It's been a long 2 weeks since i haven't had the chance to hold a knife or a spatula. as most of you would've probably figured, i just arrived safely from the Holy Land 2 days back, and ever since i've been terribly jetlagged. bila malam tak mengantuk, bila siang tido mcm kelawar tak hengat dunia. hahahaa..well, it's been a while since i travel long distance ni, so i guess i might have lost the touch quite a bit ;P. nak pulak masa smpai2 je msia hari tu, dan2 tu jugak i terus rasa nak demam..sorethroat, batuk, selesema sumer dtg at one go. mmg perfect timing la since i mmg doa kat sana spy kesihatan baik until i keluar dr tanah suci tu..

Although my biological clock is altered, tgn ni rasa gatal sgt nkmasuk dapur. the day we got home of course la we all tak larat nak masak, so my sister bought us food from the bazaar je. on the second day, mommy and i cooked jugak..but simple dishes je, since my dad dah kepingin sgt nak makan home-cooked meals. maklumla masa kat Tanah Suci tu our food were catered by Indonesians, so their style of cooking was a bit different la..sayur segar takde sgt, almaklumla kat tgh2 gurun sana mana ada sayur hijau kan..plus masakan dorg tak pedas, so takde kick sgt la..tu yg balik2 je msia terus carik cili padi buat ulam je you! :D

since semalam tekak tak rasa best sgt, i rasa mcm nak makan sup2 ni..tetibe terpk nak buat bakso daging plak..huhu..mungkin sbb hari tu kat Mekah our Indonesian caterer tu ade masakkan bakso daging, rase sedap plak..plus dah lama gila tak makan bakso ni..so i pun korek lah resipi bakso daging drp sifoo cik mat gebu..hehehe. tp rempah sup tu i just pakai instant soto nye paste je..mintak maap cik mat sy terpaksa menderhaka lagi kali ni :P ape pun tak kesah la, asalkan dpt gak bersilat kat dapur smlm. rase gumbira tak terkata. :D hehee

bakso daging with meehoon.

my sister yg dulu blaja kat Indonesia kata my bakso tak berapa original mcm Indonesian punye (caitt sempat lg die mengomen tu!hmphh). she said kalo org Indon betul2, daging bakso tu lebih byk tepung drp daging. mcm i punye tu, i sgt la generous bubuh byk daging and sikit je tepung. lagi satu Indonesian slalu pakai mee mcm mee maggi tu..tp i tak bape suke la kalo pakai mee maggi, dulu masa mula2 belajar mkn bakso kat Kedah org kedai tu hidang bakso dgn mihun..so i pun pakai je la mihun. ok gak pe :D

lagi satu abnormality nye bakso yg i buat ni, cube u folks tgk, ada begedil kentang tgh berenang2 dlm sup bakso i tuh! hahaahaha..mmg penderhaka betul i ni kan? ;P

ni lak sambal cili kicap as pencicah. baru ade 'kick' pedas2 ni ;)

ni gmbr bakso daging i tgh beratur elok2 lepas digentel & sebelum di rendam dlm broth nye.

haaa..ni plak gmbr mashed potato yg i steamed for 15 minutes - then added chopped red chillies and chinese celery to it. also i sprinkled some black + white pepper. dulu i used to have problems with begedil yg asek relai/pecah je bila digoreng. tp kali ni tidak lagi!!! :D nak tau rahsia dia? alaa...ni ramai org pun tau kot..huhu..rahsia utk begedil yg cantik & tak relai simple je : just add an egg yolk and about a spoonful and a half of wheat flour to the mashed potato.

...maka jadi la begedil i cantik molek mcm ni :P :-

takla lawa sgt..tapi ok la kan, atleast tak relai masa goreng.byk dpt begedil ni smlm sbb i gentel kecik2 je, ala2 bite-sized gitu ;)

haha ni sj je i nak tunjuk konon betapa lembutnye isi begedil i tu ;P.

pastu kan..ni i nak cerita ni..isk2..masa i balik umrah hari tu, tgk2 ade surat ni menunggu i:

nak tau ke ni surat ape? hmm..ni surat dr Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA)..kiranya surat tawaran kerja utk i la..huwarghhhh...this officially means my holiday is coming to an end very very soon :(( sedih...and i'm sooo not ready to work like a mad dog!!!

semalam pulak ada registered letter signed to my name. we weren't at home at the time, so today kene pick up kat post office. berdebar2 gak ni, takut2 kalau2 tu surat utk panggil i pegi induction. induction ni slalunye all new doctors kene pegi berkursus for 1 week, then the following week terus lapor diri berkerja kat hospital yg dah di assigned kan. i hari tu saja je tangguh keje ni sbb nak pegi umrah, ingatkan dorg akan panggil induction lepas raya..tp ni mcm lain mcm je..haishh...doakan la registered letter i tu bukan surat induction ye kawan2. or else my life will officially end and i wont have time to blog nor cook anymore :((

Hmphh..all the more reason I have to start baking cookies starting today!!! Eeekkk!! (mmg takleh tido dah la lepas sahur after this...sob22..).

p.s: fellow bloggers, mintak tlg doakan i tak dipanggil utk induction before raya pls? tq!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


i'll be off to the airport in an hour's time. bags are all packed, and the things that i'm bring with me other than my luggage is HOPE and this heart of mine. now that this day which i've waited for has arrived, i'm overwhelmed with i dont know..relief and close to tears maybe?

pray for our safety ok, hopefully I'll be back in one piece. until we meet again, slmt berpuasa semua. i'll see you folks in 2 weeks :).

p.s: i just found out that my ex housemate in Penang just got engaged. and she did so without telling me about it! i guess it's supposed to be a secret, but she too had gone through a terrible patch just like i did during our final year. but look where she is now, she's finally found her fairy tale ending. and im extremely happy for her - congratulations dear!

i hope i'll get mine soon. :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

picnic @ putrajaya.

ok2, i know i said i wont blog until after i come back, but this is just a short post anyways :)

so last monday, my childhood best friend a.k.a Ika and I planned to meet up for a (breakfast) picnic at Putrajaya. we've been planning for another rendezvous since weeks ago, but Ika was kind of caught up in her assignments and stuff, so i volunteered to come over to Putrajaya which is nearer to her place in Serdang. when the date was confirmed, i drove as early as 7.15am to Putrajaya on a Monday morning. mcm org nak pegi keje pun ade kan?hehe..but it was all worth it, just for the sake of seeing my longtime bestfriend ;)

we agreed to meet at Masjid Putra, and from there we would find a suitable place to sit down and have our picnic. i was having one of my 'malas' mood masa tu, so i did not cook anything from home. instead the previous night i went to Big Apple's donuts and bought some as part of our breakfast/brunch menu. clever eh? hahaha..sgt la malas nak masak masa tu i tell you..i pun ade angin malas gak ok..;P hehee

around 8-ish ika arrived, then we hopped on into her car in search to find for our perfect spot. we then found a spot @ Kelab Tasik Putrajaya, which overlooks the mosque and the lake. just the PERFECT place to sit down, bentang tikar, have a decent meal and chitchat to catch up on each other's lives.:D

the picnic spread - big apple donuts, kuih keria, baby chiffons, nasi lemak, soft drinks. enough to make us full.

ika was kind enough to bring along nasi lemak, kuih keria + baby chiffon? (haha ape name kuih tu yg betul ek ika? :P)

omg..sumpah , nasik lemak ni mmg terbaek!!! sedap gile gileee..ika nanti ko tapaukan utk aku la..sambal die sedappp..huhu..
we went to the same school since standard 3 i guess, but we became real tight 15 years ago. the good old days eh?:)

ika with her bag yg bertemakan ala2 picnic style.hehee ;)

...and this was the best part! i brought along our old letters - the ones which we wrote to each other back in standard 5, up to the days when we were in secondary school. surat2 tu dah berusia atleast 15 years old ok.bole jadi artifak tak? huhu. luckily i kept them all in boxes and store them safely in my old closet. im kind of a 'keeper' sort of person too - whatever i have i tend to hold on to it as keepsakes :)

just look at her expression while reading one of her letters to me - it was really hilarious ok! masa darjah 5 dulu asek2 tulis pasal pakwe pakwe pakwe je kerjenya.tak senonoh betul perangai kite2 dulu. hahahaa..but nevertheless it was fun reading them all over again. it was like taking a stroll down the memory lane :)

tgk la surat tu..ya tuhan berhelai2 mukasurat!ish2..

makan time!

camwhoring time ;P hehee

i love this shot so much - Ika looked like she was sound asleep, while i looked like i was giggling in my sleep.hahaha

all in all, we had a super great time! we spent hours and hours just talking, laughing and reminiscing after old memories. drp kol 7.15am tu, we chilled out until 2.30pm and siap tukar2 venue lagi..pegi Taman Tasik Putrajaya plak sbb kitorg dihalau oleh pemotong2 rumput kat tepi tasik tu.hahaha..to Ika dearest, i can't thank u enough for being a lovely company that day, for lending me your ears (and your box of tissues) when i needed it the most. i felt muchhh better after talking to you. love you muchos. *hugsss*