i am a real sucker for homewares, seriously.
hari tu i pegi klcc with munirah, then accidentally bumped into this new homeware shop called
'iwannagohome'. it's real heaven i tell you. tak caye meh tgk.

kedai tu ade byk sections. one section tu penuh dgn pasu2 kaca with bunga palsu mcm kat dlm gmbr atas ni. i sukeeeee sgt222 glass vase yg diletak bunge, nmpak mcm sgt exclusive - especially if bunga tu bunga fresh kan. tp susah la plak if hari2 kene ganti bunga fresh yg baru, mahal weh. i personally like the tall vase filled with white lilies on the far rightmost of the picture above :) nmpak mcm sgt serene je kan?

this is another section yg i suke - kitchenware!! omggg mmg rambang mata gila2 okkk..sume benda ada, u just name it. benda2 yg i tak penah terpk pun ada jugak dorg jual kot.

siap ade tajine pot lagi ok. i mmg geram gile2 tgk segala jenis pinggan kat situ, rase mcm nak beli semua. nanti bila i dah kawen and have my own home, i'll make sure i have each and every one of those kitchenware. tiap2 tahun hubby i kene belikan those pinggan mangkuk for our anniversary present la gamaknye. *winkwink* hihii

comel la pinggan bentuk ikan ni - i'm sure ikan siakap will fit snuggly into that plate ;)

ni wooden plate for chips and dips. i terbayang2 kalo masak beef nachos bole la tabur atas wooden plate tu, then the guacamole dip letak kat the centre bowl. menarik kann?? tp harga pinggan ni u all cube teka berapa - rm 160 wehhhh! *pengsan*
mesti u all igt i borong segala benda kat atas tu kan?i tak beli pape pun okk..i kuar kedai tu dgn tgn yg kosong (sooo unlike me isn't it???!!!) cuz i know if i beli satu benda, nnt mesti i'll end up buying dozens of them. nanti nak heret my other half teman i beli homewares la -who knows we can stock up our plates and kitchenwares from now on ;) hihi

ni section mcm home deco la. cantik jugak cermin besar mcm tu kan. and i love the tall table lamp on the right side.

i think buat concept living room mcm ni pun cool jugak kan?mcm ade wooden panel at the side, with some sort of big painting hanging at the centre mcm yg painting hitam dlm gmbr ni. tp concept mcm ni a bit modern contemporary-ish, which i dont normally prefer. tgkla siap pakai black as the theme color lagi. it's actually quite cool jugak, tp i think my future home nnt tak la terlampau contemporary sgt. i still suke mcm classic2 sikit nye concept.
dah penat jalan2 we all ended up having lunch at Bumbu Desa - an indonesian restaurant. takla best sgt sbb i think the food tu tak berapa variety sgt, but the taste was not bad la, especially ayam bakar die.

yg tak bole tahan nasik die tu, name die Nasi Liwet ok. kitorg tergelak2 gile tgk nama nasik tu, silap haribulan bole jadi controversy kot. hahahah :P. nasi tu mcm berempah sikit, then sprinkled with fried anchovies on the top. the unique thing was, die letak nasi tu dlm pot besi mcm kat kampung2, comel la gak. hehee. next is the ayam bakar, followed by pekedil jagung.
btw i dah start my surgical rotation last week. currently im still tagging til next week. surgical rotation kat selayang hospital ni sgt la relaks kot, tak mcm medical dulu. smpai tak sempat makan segala. surgery sgt lepak smpai mkn berlebih2an kot. bahaye sungguh. esok keje lagi, then kene tag til 10pm. malas gile ok. okla got to stop here, nnt2 i sambung lagi yea. toodles!!