Sunday, November 21, 2010

simply Thai.

yep, today i cooked Thai menu for mi familia.

FYI,i suka gila Thai food - especially tomyam yg pekat gilerrr n pedas. it has to be authentic, not tomyam yg cair2 kuah die tu. when i used to study in Penang, my friends and i would always spend atleast once in a month to have good seafood near Batu Uban - they have the best tomyam & seafood there, seriously tak tipu ok. tp kat sane takde plak jual green thai curry ni. ke i yg tak perasan? huhu..but i've always wanted to try cooking Thai green curry. had it once @ Kampung Thai in Ampang during last Ramadhan, and i thought it tasted somewhat like gulai masak lemak cili padi. kebetulan i stumbled upon the recipe in CMG's blog, ape lagi kan..terus la beli brg2 kat Jusco pagi td. hihikk :)

i made the green curry paste from scratch - which wasn't difficult to do at all.

ingredients for Thai green curry paste:

1 handful of fresh coriander
2 bombay onions
4 cloves garlic
2 inches of young ginger
2 lemongras - sliced
10 green bird chillies (cili padi laa..)
1 teaspoon coriander powder
1 teaspoon serbuk jintan putih
i inch shrimp paste
some fragrant fresh kaffir lime leaves
*blend all ingredients together until becomes smooth and thick.

this is how the green paste looks like.

Thai green chicken curry with aubergine (aka terung).

close-up view. nmpak mcm kurma ayam kan?
Thai green chicken curry
green thai curry paste
2 batang serai - dititik
4 helai daun limau purut
terung - di potong dadu
tomato - belah empat
daun ketumbar utk hiasan
kacang panjang - dipotong panjang
seekor ayam - potong sederhana besar
sebiji santan kelapa
sos ikan namphla - 4 sudu
kiub ikan bilis secukup rasa
2 sudu jus limau nipis
tumis green curry paste smpai naik bau
masukkan serai dan daun limau purut
masukkan ayam dan santan
didihkan sampai ayam masak
perasakan dgn garam, sedikit brown sugar, sos ikan namphla dan jus limau
akhir sekali masukkan terung, tomato & kacang panjang
hidangkan dgn nasi putih (jgn masak smpai terung or tomato lembik)

u all mesti tertanya2 nape i pakai acuan roti jala ni kan? benda ni actually utk buat serbuk/kerak utk butter prawn.

butter prawn.

close up view. kerak/serbuk telur tu yg mahal tu. huhuu~

butter prawn
500 gm udang - cuci & buang kulit
tepung jagung utk salut udang
sedikit garam
sebatang daun kari
cili padi - hiris halus
3 biji kuning telur
2 sudu butter
minyak utk menggoreng
salut udang dgn tepung jagung & garam - goreng dlm minyak panas
bila dah hampir masak - masukkan daun kari & cili padi
angkat dan tos atas tissue paper utk hilangkan residual oil
utk kerak/serbuk butter prawn:
-panaskan minyak dlm kuali (pakai minyak yg sama u all goreng udang td pun boleh)
masukkan 2 sudu butter
tunggu smpai minyak betul2 panas - padamkan or slowkan api smpai yg paling kecik skali
guna acuan roti jala td: masukkan kuning telur yg dipukul dlm acuan tu, dan slowly tuang dlm minyak panas. with ur other hand pakai garfu utk kacau juraian telur tu spy tak melekat.
goreng smpai kuning dan angkat & toskan atas tissue paper
taburkan kerak/serbuk butter tu atas udang yg dah digoreng td.

this morning i woke up quite early considering it's my day off work. lepas subuh je i terus tak tido. i went outside and saw the sunrise - it was such a nice feeling. i rasa mcm lama gila tak tgk cahaya matahari properly. sebelum ni hari2 before sunrise i dah gi ward. nmpak sunrise pun dr dlm ward je. huhuhu. sambil2 tu i saje2 je snapped pictures of mommy's garden.
i taktau la ape nama pokok ni. byk sgt pokok bunga dlm my mom's garden. ni mommy tanam beside her Koi fish pond. i took this picture pakai my blackberry je, but surprisingly it turned out really nice. my brother pun said so. nmpak cam DSLR picture je kan? eventho i tak sempat2 lg nak beli my own DSLR, for now cukup la dulu my blackberry camera ni. hehee~

the same pokok but at a different place.

red rose. solitary one. :)

haa ni daun kari yg my mom tanam kat tepi rumah. tinggi ok pokok kari ni...kitorg slalu nak masak kari main petik je la daun ni. gemuk2 plak tu daun dier.

mommy's Koi pond.

ni pokok ape i pun tak tau. tp pokok ni tinggi ok. tgk tu dah nak smpai our balcony.

this is a miniature bird house. burung tak muat pun nak masuk dlm tu. buat hiasan je. hehee~~

tomorrow's a new day. i'll still be in Dengue ward for another 2 weeks. it's fun cuz there isnt much work to do, and i usually finish work at 5pm on the dot. tp bosan gak hari2 asek tgk dengue je kan. nak jugak kes yg mencabar sket. haha gedik tak? bila dok ward yg busy i dok membebel, now dah kat ward yg senang pun membebel gak. huhu. the grass is indeed greener on the other side most of the time eh? :)

just look at that brilliant sunset - such splendid view from my bay window. it's really a bliss to be home :))


  1. dr, itu pokok periwinkle. in school, we learnt that it's a harmful plant because, if i'm not wrong, the sap is toxic.

  2. oh really?? nasibbaik i pgg tak jadi pape. hehee..thanks for the info though :)

  3. aah, dl kekecik mak pon ade bunga tu.... ade gak kaler putih... getah dia kaler putih gak kan? :P
