it's that rare occasion of the year again - when all four of us gals can meet up and chat away to our hearts' content :D. fifi just came back from Jakarta last night, and straightaway we arranged for a rendezvous today. fyi, we've been friends since Form 1, and look at how close we still are at this ripe age of 25. i guess that's what real friendship means.
you see, Nima and Asil are both engineers - while Fifi and I are involved in the medical field. Fifi's studying in Jakarta, is finishing very very soon and hopefully will join Selayang Hospital (haha :P) later. that's why we dont have that much chance to meet up every so often. anyways, Fifi's home for the next 5 weeks, so yeah, i guess u'll be seeing more entries like this one! ;)
we arranged for lunch date at Delicious @ Dua Residency Jalan Tun Razak. i've always loved the place cuz of it's coziness - u can just lounge there for hours and hours. the food is quite nice too.
look at the lanterns/birdcage. nice eh?

ranting pun bole nampak cantik if u know how to decorate kan? :)

clockwise from top: homemade pesto spagettini, portobello mushroom burger with pesto mayo and fries, grilled chicken burger with turkey bacon, ranch dressing and fries, classic reuben with pastramisauerkraut and melted cheese. fuhh berbelit lidah nak pronounce ok.

kali ni model2 makanan i sume girls yg cun2. but the first two are taken yea :0 hahah

my gals :)

oh, ni entry yg patutnye i publish smlm but tak sempat. smlm kan mase i gi OU, i ternampak these things:

MINI MACARONS!!! i mengidam gile nak rasa macarons nieee...macarons ni sbnrnye is a meringue-based confectionary made of eggwhites, sugar and colouring. it's usually filled with buttercream or jam filling in btwn. smlm tah camne leh ternampak plak ade this kiosk yg jual. apelagi terus beli la kan. rase die sgt2 sweet. to my taste takla sedap sgt, but kire puas hati la sbb dah merasa. so
Aquahartz,if u're reading this - next time when u come back from Melbourne u dont have to tapau macarons for me k. haha ;P

yang ni mcm biase la, model paksa-rela i. bwahahahaa :P
Selamat tahun baru 2011 Dr Liana...moga anda lebih bersemangat dan bertenaga...YESSSSS....Dr Liana bolehh!!...Boleh Masakkk!!...haha (^_^)...
ReplyDelete:) dear, u akhirnye jumpa macaroons di sana ye? yeah, i mula2 jumpa macaroons ni benci amat coz manis gilaaaaa!! but i guess dah lama dok sini jadi tersuka plak. hahahah. bila i balik m'sia hari tu bawak balik sekotak, sampai berkulat macaroons tu atas meja coz diorang tak minat. yeah, i guess i kena kurangkan makan this thing la. tak pon blaja buat yg tak brapa manis punye. :P
ReplyDeleteAquahartz: haha tulaa finally i found them! haa nanti u da belajar buat yg kurang manis sile bg i rase k ;)
ReplyDeletemat gebu:slmt thn baru gak cik matt..haha boleh mmg boleh masak, cume tak menyempat jeee. cikmat smpena tahun baru ni reka la resipi2 baru nak tgkk hehee