today i'm post-call - it's half past 7 in the evening and i just got home. god knows i can barely open my eyes now. last night i was on call in Emergency Dept - luckily it was a good call; managed to sleep for about 3-4 hours wpun i tdo kat surau ED yg sgt sejuk beku tu. menggigil2 ok tido dlm surau tu..bukan takde tempat lain nak tido, i could always tumpang bilik kat ward lain but yesterday i didnt want to rush down all the way to level 2 if my MO decided to ring me in the wee hours of the morning so i just tido jela dlm surau ED tu. bedsore jugak la ;P heheee..this morning plak i had to accompany my colleague to a respiratory course sbb tu la smpai umah lmbt. barang utk pegi Bandung esok pun belum kemas satu ape pun lagi. this is so unlike me ok - i used to pack beforehand whenever i travel.... and now i can't even lift my eyelids. just great. *yawnnn*
tomorow our flight wil be at 9.30am - so we'll leave home at 6.30am. tak sabarnye nak gi Bandung! im really geared up to shop til i drop :D nak borong kebaya2 sulam yg susah nak dpt kat sini..tau2 je la kalo beli kat jalan TAR tu bukannye cantik sgt pun, harga je mahal tahpape.hari selase nanti i balik sini - will update about Bandung later k ;).
the other day my friend and i went to a Thai place in One Utama - i seriously forgot the name of the place boleh takkk? but it was a nice place to dine in, it had the right ambience and the food was great.
suke gile tgk pineapple fried rice dlm sampan mcm ni. comel kan??? nanti lain kali i nak buat jugak la :D hihi

tomyam die sedap jugak la - pekat n spicy. but probably terlebih santan sket kot. yg mahal ok. kali ni my blog ade model khas utk promote food ;P

tak igt la ape name food yg model ni makan. but it was some noodle mixed with green curry kot. pun sedap jugak but pedas gile. sian org tu kepedasan. tp pedas2 pun habis jugak sepinggan tu kan kan? ;P ngehee

ok. i seriously dah takleh bukak mata dah ni. had to pack dgn sepantas kilat then off to ZzzZZZ. will see u ppl in 3 days! ciaoo :)
encem bf u :P
ReplyDeleterestoran apa tu kat one utama? hmm.. kalau panjang umur boleh i ziarah that restoran.
wahaaaaaa best gilaaa nak gi bandung. i tak pernah pegi, tak tau la kalau ada rezeki ke tak nak gi sana. belikan i bandungnye megnet kalau murah :P
ahaks, gurau sajaaaa.. have fun. semoga selamat pegi & selamat sampai. take care.
aquahartz: uishhh u ni..tu bukan bf i la.jgn gosip liar okeiii..bahayee.huhuu~~
ReplyDeletei tak igt la ape name kedai tu..thai smthg.haha obv tak membantu kan?haha i bole je nak belikan u magnet bandung, u bole la plak belikan macarons all the way from aussie bole?i mengidam gile nak makan macarons ok!tak tau nak cari mane kat msia ni..wuwuuu
Selamat bercuti kak liana~Bertambah cuak la saye bila baca ur experience.=)
hahahha.. boleh. tapi takut berkulat la by the time i jumpa u kat kL nanti. bila i balik i kena buat date dgn u jumpa kat KLIA. ahhahahha. touch down je terus kasi u a box of macarons :P okay tak? InsyaAllah :)
ReplyDeletetake care okaaaaaay. amik gambar banyak2.
wwooopppsss... gossip liaaarrrr
ReplyDeletewah nak bercuti..bestnya!!!!!
handsome org sblh !!any good news?
miszlullaby: takpe..jgn cuak, enjoy ur student life to the fullest dulu, then worry later k ;)hehe
ReplyDeletelittlehumblelyn: adoiyaii..akak jgn la gosip liar jugak. bahye la camni asal letak gmbr model baru kat blog je org buat assumption eh? huhu. mcm mane nak ade good news,sy single lg la akak..takde org nak sob22..