it's my last day off today. i baru je smpai dr bandung yesterday. malangnye today i can't update blog beria sgt, this will be a preliminary one ok...sbbnye i have to study for tomorrow's end of posting viva. i'l be finishing my medical posting in january, but dorg arrange for an earlier viva utk medical HOs. doakan i lulus viva esok ok..cuak gak ni :(
what about Bandung trip?? well, if you minat gila dgn kain2 especially kebaya sulam then pls pls pls pegi Bandung and borong ok! sbbnye kebaya2 die sgt la cantik & worth it. murah gila banding ngan msian price. i borong 6 helai je..sbnrnye nak borong lg, tp tgk rupe my sister mcm dah tak larat je, i pun batalkan je la niat i tu. 6 helai pun jadi la..huhu
seriously u all tak caya eh kebaya die cun giler? meh i tunjuk:
haaaa...cantik tak cantik tak??? adui menyesal sungguh tak borong lagi..sobb222 :(jadi kawan2..sape nak borong kebaya sulam - sile gi Bandung ok! ;))

by the way, this doesn't have anythg to do with volcano or bandung. i just found out one of my close friends since childhood is getting engaged this saturday. i'm really happy for her cuz we went through the same rough patch almost a year ago, we shared the tears and the heartache - but now die dah nak jd tunang org dah. congratulations my dear, i do pray for your happiness always. you see,when my close buds are tying the knot, i find myself wondering when will it be my turn? i feel extremely happy for them, but at the same time i feel there's a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach - a feeling that i just can't explain.
i wonder how unfair it is that people who breaks other's heart gets their happy endings first - it's just cruel. by karma they should rot away and suffer for what they did to others, but i know God almighty works in a mysterious way doesn't He? i'd be lying if i say i'm ok with being alone cuz truth is, i miss feeling like i belong.
i do want my own happy ending. one fine day i know my turn will come, and when it does the wait will be all worth it.
it's just a matter of time, isn't it?
hmmm...okaayyy this entry is beginning to sound like Aunt Agony's column. told you, i'm having mood swings lately :P.
yes, dear. maybe bukan skang rezeki berpihak kepada kita, lain masa manatau lagi bagus yang datang :) Apapun Allah dah susun elok2 untuk kita.Dia yang lebih Mengetahui
ReplyDeleteanna: thanks, mmg betul ape u ckp tu. kene sbr & leave it to Allah btl tak :)