today my childhood friend, Munirah or as we fondly call her Munir, tied the knot with the man of her dreams. after almost 2 years, they finally did it - even kejap gaduh kejap baik pun kalau dah jodoh tak ke mana kan? :)
according to her it all happened in a short notice - just 3 weeks prior. but i guess she managed just fine - mana nak cari baju tunang, pelamin , brg2 hantaran, makeup artist, khemah & katering lagi. kira hebat la tu bole siap dlm 3 weeks. kalau i lah, 3 minggu je nak buat semua tu mmg bersilat la nmpaknye. huhu. nowadays mcm2 trend org buat for engagement day - some like it elaborate, some like it simple. i dont know about others, but for me events like this happen only once in a lifetime, so if it were to be my engagement day i would like it to be intermediate - just in between. not too grand, not too simple. cewah berangan la plak kan ;P
her theme was dusty pink with purple plum. i guess warna dusty pink (or 'pink belacan' as i call it ) mmg tgh in skrg. ramai je i tgk pakai this color skrg ni. tp i tak minat sgt la pink2 ni. hehee..
sementara tunggu Munir bersiap, kitorg takde keje other than camwhoring.heheh

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