yep, mmg tak lama lagi my social life will be at stake, jadi minggu ni mmg i berhabis2an beraya sakan dan juga sakan! mwahaha..
asek2 shopping tudung or baju or kasut or handbag, hari ni i shopping benda yg lain dr yg i slalu buat la. my friend asked me to accompany her to Low Yatt Plaza this morning cuz she wanted to buy a new printer. i pulak mmg dah lama berura2 nak gi Low Yatt Plaza sbb nak pegi kedai Blackberry and tanya dorg pasal problem Blackberry i ni. sejak dari mula2 pakai hari tu i takleh setup email address, ntah kenapa ntah. sakit hati gila sbb kunun pakai smartphone tp takleh receive emails! baikla i guna tepon biasa je mcm tu kan. tp tadi dah habis tawaf kedai Blackberry, sume tokey kedai pun tak reti nak explain ape pe'el phone i ni. haih sakit hati betul..penyudahnye i beli notebook cooler cuz my old one dah rosak, pastu rembat satu Blackberry mobile charger utk charge phone dlm kete. pastu jalan2 kat BB plaza jumpa this one comfortable sandals yg i mmg cari2 utk pakai gi keje - nasibbaik la dah half price td. (what is it with me and shoes i pun tak tau la! adehhh...)
all in all today was a very productive day i suppose. then we had lunch at a Moroccan restaurant somewhere along Bintang Walk - it's called The Tajine. it's been a while since i last had Tajine chicken, dulu first time i rasa tajine chicken ni kat Marrakech 3 yrs ago. Morocco ni mmg famous for its tajine meals - ada tajine chicken, tajine lamb, tajine beef etc2. tajine is actually a special pot made of clay, for which they use to cook their food in. i guess it sort of makes the food tastes more delicious kot.

esok hari kenduri. i dah buat keputusan - MALAS nak buat cupcakes with buttercream icing. tomorrow i akan jadi mandur sahaja tunggu org catering dtg. mwahahaa ;P
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