i dont know, i'm having mixed feelings about my future working life..i mean, who doesn't?a part of me is really anxious + frightened, but at the same time, i'm kind of looking forward to it..you know, to get myself busy and preoccupied with something, so that i can shove these unwanted thoughts that have been roaming at the back of my mind far far away. people say i need to make myself busy, think of other things to do - and that way maybe i'll heal faster. plus, who knows, maybe with a twist of fate i might find someone new & go on with my life, right? :) so yeah, all hope is not lost people...luckily it's not.
anyways, that aside, i've been successfull at today's attempt to make a second batch of those double choc chip almond cookies. i've made one batch last week, but i thought something was amiss with it. tu yg tak puas hati tu, nak jugak buat 2nd batch today. so i did, and i used the same recipe, but this time i used chocolate emulco instead of cocoa powder - and the result was surprise surprise : much crispier and darker cookies. i loike!
cookies yg tak berapa nak hitam legam. i sbnrnye suke cookies yg hitam gilers mcm yg kat Famous Amos tu. nampaknye next time kene letak lebih choc emulco neh.
nampak lagi rangup kan cookies ni? sbbnye i gentel kecik2 je td..berjam2 gakla nak tunggu habis satu bowl besar adunan tuh.
untuk berbuka hari ni, i masak sup tulang dgn sambal belacan. lemak sup tulang tu ya allah...pekat nak mati. berkeladak habis periuk! i tadi masa berbuka, tak berapa nak selera mkn sup tu lepas tgk betapa horrornye lemak die yg berketul tu..eeeii..terus terbantut seleraku. i wonder mcm mana org bole makan sup gearbox tu smpai hirup2 segala kuah & marrow yg berlemak tu.mmg boleh clogged artery dibuatnye!

esok tak tau la ape projek nak buat. i maybe akan 'bersara' dr projek kuih kot. malas dah la..nak berehat2 bermaharajalela je la pasni. hehee. ;))
Betul tu, pak mat pun tak faham mcm mana org boleh makan sup gear box..mcm nak bunuh diri kan..erkk..tak mooo....
ReplyDeletemat gebu: tula cik mat..mmg horror..cara paling senang nak bunuh diri mmg makan sup gearbox tu je la..huhu
ReplyDeletehi dr liana.. nmpk sdap la double choc chip cookies 2.. resepi x share ke? hehe..