i never had a wishlist of my own before, thats because usually i list down the things i want in my head (and later totally forgot about them!). as part of my new resolutions, i intend to start having one, and today i'm going to list the things that i want and check out those that i already managed to get.
1. a big griddle pan to sear meat and poultry on. [checked]

i bought this from Ikea last week. i instantly fell in love with the pan the second i laid eyes on it! now i can happily sear boneless chicken and make pretty pesto sandwiches! yippeee !! you wanna know why i crave for this pan so much?? because i just love the grill marks effect on meat/poultry after being cooked on this baby! (see below)

doesn't it make food appears much more appetizing??
2. au gratin bowls [checked]

these i bought from a Japanese shop @ the curve. each only costed me rm5. cheap huh? ;) i plan to bake mac + cheese or even make petite lasagna in them.
3. ramekins

i wish i could have every size and shape of those ramekins which would come in handy when making desserts, or for baking appetizers.
4. fancy oil dispenser [ not yet ]

i dont know why im so obsessed with it, but i guess it helps when you want to dispense olive oil and drizzle it on your platter (instead of using the big bottle of olive oil itself, it would just look very messy!) i saw a very pretty dispenser in Ikea last week too, but i didn't have enough cash with me at the time :( (why the heck these things cost sooo much is beyond me!)
5. a pair of aviator sunglasses [ not yet ]

i actually never thought my round face would go very will with aviator sunnies, but lately i have been trying out a few of them at some shops and i think i may just pull off the rough-chic look after all :D (but aviators are insanely pricey as well. looks like i will only be able to get one when i receive my first pay, which is months away of course)
6. a new handy Canon digital ixus with miniature effect, fish eye effect, and good ISO setting for low light conditions [ not yet ]

previously i was soo into DSLRs, but come to think of it, i really suck at exploring new gadgets (i still have not finished my blackberry user guide since the past month!). so i guess for now i'll just settle with something that can offer similar settings, and being handy at the same time. so far im into digital ixus 130, but i'll just keep a lookout for new models to come out ;).
7. a new car (sorry Weeqey, it's not that i dont love you, but i need a bigger car with more features, and it has to be deep maroon or bright sexy red in colour :P [not yet]

i really like this bright red colour on VW GTI. nice eh? but the car itself is too expensive lor! (unless i marry someone wealthy, like anak Dato' ke..hehehe :D)

and this deep maroon colour on Peugeot's new model is something that i can't miss on the road! whenever i see one i would turn my head and drool over its colour. *sigh*
8. to be posted in Hospital Selayang after raya.

i dont know why i have a strong feeling towards Hospital Selayang, but i really2 hope when the time comes for me to be posted after raya, i'll be sent here instead of elsewhere. amin...
9. lastly, i need a boyfriend to be my husband!!!!!!!!!!! [not yet, but pls be very very soon]

after 5 long months, it's time to forgive and forget. the past is something that i cannot undo, but i hope God will grant me a happy ending this year..amin.
so that's my wish list so far. i'll add to the list when i think of new stuff to add in ok? ;)
i actually woke up early this morning and cooked this before Baba went off to work :

nasi lemak dengan sambal paru berlada + telur mata separuh masak (just the way i like it :D)

berkurun tak makan sambal paru berlada (harus garing ye!), sbb tu bangun pagi2 terus bersilat kat dapo.hahahah :D
Okay,I think I can only afford a few of your wish list items.Haha.
ReplyDeleteFor the time being,my only wish is no.9 :)
*Your nasi lemak looks too fancy for a breakfast.I'm jealous :p
haha, no 9 is actually on the very top of my list now ;) hehee
ReplyDeletejealous of my nasi lemak?ur not missing out darl, it's just nasik lemak :D
Salam Dr...
ReplyDeleteHmmm komposisi gambar yang sungguh menarik, pic 2 tuu. Walau pun ada 3 benda je, nasi lemak,paru berlada dan telur.
cik mat, menarik ek? agaknye sbb warna kuning terang telor tu kot kan? :D
ReplyDeleteSalam. Nk bg idea kt u utk camera tu.. Pilih CANON ye! Dr. U try tgk Powershot & EOS dr brand yg same..
ReplyDeletePandai msk lg.. Lps nih post lg eik.. Like 2 share u..
ReplyDeleteim from mat gebu's blog!
enjoy ur blog v much too!
anywy, i pon ade grill pan ikea tu..sbb nak effect grill2 tu.. :P
on the car..beli je toyota ...peace of mind!
on the camera.. try to reconsider to Panasonic Lumix range.. much2 better!
ReplyDeleteohoeya (mak ai camne nak sebut ni?hehe): mmg i dok tgk2 canon skrg ni..heard that die punye dslr bagus gak..tp i malas nak bwk berat2..powershot mcm tak bape minat..i nak yg compact betul, senang nak letak dlm handbag :D
ReplyDeleteadie dali: u pun ade griddle pan tu ek? best kan! tp i tak sempat nak rasmikan lagi..hehe..toyota??? nanti maybe i'll consider bile dah ade keluarga & anak yg ramai kot..hehee. i used lumix before, tp mcm dah bengong2 sket..sbb tu nak tukar canon :D
just dropping by to ur blog....nice blog, nice entries...and im kinda like ur writing and ur passion into cooking..boleh curik idea nak masak ape arini...hehhe..