td loya2 pun, kene gagahkan diri buat my 2nd biskut. nasib baik tak ter-bluwekkk depan cookies tu. huk2.
i call them "Rainbow oats crisps". resipi ni i dah lupa i kutip kat mana..awal2 hari tu dah siap2 salin into my recipe book, tp lupe amek kat blog mana. mintak halal ye tuan punye biskut..i'm actually fond of cookies yg ade oats ni..sbb tu hari tu choc chip cookies pun bubuh oats, yg ni pon biskut oats jugak..layan je laa..tgk la bintang2 meriah atas cookies tu. kalo rumah ni ade budak kecik mesti dorg berebut nak makan kan? :D malangnye takde budak kecik kat umah ni..yg ada cuma kucing tua 2 ekor. huhu..

anyways, ni i tayang jugak la our lauk buka puasa td yg suam2 je tu:

oh, on a brighter note - i've a good news to tell :D. you know i was telling you about the registered letter i was supposed to collect from the post office today? turned out it was not an induction letter after all! yippeeee!! so this technically means that i still have a slim chance of not being called to induction before raya (amin amin aminnnnn). lg seminggu ++ je pun nak raya. couldn't they just let us celebrate raya in peace?? tolong la ya Allah..just let me have another week++ to enjoy the remaining bits n pieces. Amin.
td pun early morning i've been up running errands: pegi post office Jalan Gurney tu, then pegi law firm utk dpt kan signature Pesuruhjaya Sumpah, isi borang Malaysian Medical Council. went to Carrefour to get a decent baju kurung putih for induction, and i also bought 4 dozens of canned milo, coffee and soybean milk for my stock later as a houseman. rase mcm stock up utk musim kemarau je. huhu. now tinggal nak cari a pair of comfy shoes and maybe a few more work attire.
hmm..esok cuti Merdeka. should i make another batch of a different type of cookies?
well, memandangkan skrg ni pun tgh hujan lebat at 10 past 12 midnight - i shall sleep on it first, and see how it goes tomorrow ;).
sweetdreams fellas.
salam merdeka dr...wahh, dah ada kukis..nicee.. projek tat nenas bila pulak?...hehe.
ReplyDeletehello dear. i balik raya nanti. if u want we can go shopping kasut kerja :) i pon hari tu beli kat m'sia je sebab cantik + comfy + murah than aussie's shoes.
ReplyDeleteu kata lauk u tu suam2 kuku? sedap gilaaa je i tgk. wait til u actually look at my lauk each time i masak. sejuk beku agaknye. hahaha.
wat time of ocp u amik masa gi umrah tu? u kno wat, there's a few other types of pills that anti-androgenic, which i think is better in ur case since u r young/not for birth control ke apa.
anyways, yeah, hopefully u dont hafta go for induction until lepas bulan raya eh.
mat gebu: alamak..kalau tat nenas alamatnye patah tulang belakang i terus kot cik mat :P hihii. tunggu bile rajen sket kot, skrg terlebih vitamin Malas la. hihii
ReplyDeleteaquahartz: when r u coming home for raya? menarik jugak idea tu, bole u tunjuk i kat mana jual pyrex bertingkat tu kat msia ni ;)) but we'll see, takut i kene panggil induction immediately after 1st raya tu je :(
hahah..sejuk beku?? takde pun i tgk kat ur blog..terliur jugak je i tgk.hehee. i slalu terliur tgk macarons yg u mkn kat melb. i tak penah makan la..kat msia ni taktau la ade ke x?
oh, im taking Marvelon (ie norethisterone) since the past 3 weeks ++. my mom asked her fellow gynaecologist, and she recommended that. so i malas nak pk byk, i popped them in je la. huhu. tp sgt2 tak suke mkn ocp ni, loya pun tak ilang lg ni.
tula..abt the induction, pray for me ek! sgt2 tak ready lg nak keje ni. (smpai bila nak ready pun xtau la kan..hehee)
suka tengok all ur pixs...sangat terang and sharp..btw, kite pun ade try buat cookies guna oven yang chumel tu pembakaran dia xsekata...tensen je rs..u guna oven letrik yg besar tu ek? lawa je cookies:))
ReplyDeletelady D: oo u pakai oven chumel? chumel mcm mane tu? hehe..i punye oven pun not exactly oven yg besar 2 tingkat tu. mine's actually a convection oven/microwave, tp not as big as the classical oven, but not that small either. okla buat nak masak2 sendiri kan.
ReplyDeletetp kenapa plak oven chumel jadi tak sekata plak mase bakar cookies ye? patutnye lg sekata la kot sbb die chumel je. hihi
Salam Liana...since yesterday i have been reading your writing in your blog. I enjoy reading it and keep writing as the way you are doing it now. All the best in your career as well.