so last monday, my childhood best friend a.k.a Ika and I planned to meet up for a (breakfast) picnic at Putrajaya. we've been planning for another rendezvous since weeks ago, but Ika was kind of caught up in her assignments and stuff, so i volunteered to come over to Putrajaya which is nearer to her place in Serdang. when the date was confirmed, i drove as early as 7.15am to Putrajaya on a Monday morning. mcm org nak pegi keje pun ade kan?hehe..but it was all worth it, just for the sake of seeing my longtime bestfriend ;)
we agreed to meet at Masjid Putra, and from there we would find a suitable place to sit down and have our picnic. i was having one of my 'malas' mood masa tu, so i did not cook anything from home. instead the previous night i went to Big Apple's donuts and bought some as part of our breakfast/brunch menu. clever eh? hahaha..sgt la malas nak masak masa tu i tell you..i pun ade angin malas gak ok..;P hehee
around 8-ish ika arrived, then we hopped on into her car in search to find for our perfect spot. we then found a spot @ Kelab Tasik Putrajaya, which overlooks the mosque and the lake. just the PERFECT place to sit down, bentang tikar, have a decent meal and chitchat to catch up on each other's lives.:D
the picnic spread - big apple donuts, kuih keria, baby chiffons, nasi lemak, soft drinks. enough to make us full.
ika was kind enough to bring along nasi lemak, kuih keria + baby chiffon? (haha ape name kuih tu yg betul ek ika? :P)

all in all, we had a super great time! we spent hours and hours just talking, laughing and reminiscing after old memories. drp kol 7.15am tu, we chilled out until 2.30pm and siap tukar2 venue lagi..pegi Taman Tasik Putrajaya plak sbb kitorg dihalau oleh pemotong2 rumput kat tepi tasik Ika dearest, i can't thank u enough for being a lovely company that day, for lending me your ears (and your box of tissues) when i needed it the most. i felt muchhh better after talking to you. love you muchos. *hugsss*
ktne dia beli Nasi Lemak tu?