malam tadi akhirnye berjaya jugak buat satu jenis cookies. balik2 je terawih (nasib baik last nite masjid umah i tu buat 8 rakaat je ;P) terus bersilat berkungfu segala kat dapur. nak dekat kol 11pm gak la baru project buat cookies ni start. i buat sorang2 je la of course, my sister mane minat nak tlg2 ni. pasrah je la.
so i made double choc chip cookies with almond + oats - resipi ni amek dr blog maklang azie. tak pernah try recipe ni cuz usually i would use our family's choc chip cookies recipe, tp kali ni rase nak try version lain pulak.
ni rupe cookies tu before being baked. adunan tu agak lembik, so i just scooped them out using a spoon je. tgk la rupenye pun huduh semacam..huhu..but i actually prefer cookies which look kind of rustic, takla kemas bulat je..ala, mcm famous amous cookies tu..kan you all tgk huduh je..tak pernah ada shape sedap je kan?hehe
they turned out good tau..maybe cuz ade oats in them, so ade kelainan sikit.

ni saje amek close up view :D
so last night i dpt la dlm 200++ pieces of the cookies. takla byk sgt utk dihidang kat org time raye nanti..silap2 sblm raye nanti pun da abes.. takpela, i think maybe later i'll make another batch kot. by the time i habis buat cookies tu sume, dah nak kol 2 a.m. mengantuk toksah ckp la, pastu pinggang rase nak patah! yela dok terbongkok2 depan tv dok scoop out the dough onto the baking tray..mane la tak patah pinggang eden..pastu terus sahur awal, sbb malas nak bgn byk2 kali..udahnye nak dekat kol 3 pagi gakla baru terlelap..mmg takleh amek business buat kuih la i camni..huhu ;P
since i got the letter from SPA semalam and the registered letter (which hasn't been collected at the post office yet, sbb org pos ofis tu ckp tomorrow baru i boleh kutip surat tu - so masih berdebar2 lagi la ni...hadeh..), i was kind of like struck by reality u know. baru la tersedar yg cuti yg hampir 2 bulan ni is coming to an end, and that i'll start working as a doctor soon. i actually feel scared and nervous, because i know first hand that life as a Houseman (houseman = trainee doctor = intern) is not going to be easy. my parents said so, my sister said so, my friends who have worked earlier than me also seemed to be saying the same things. tau2 je lah, Houseman yg keje kat Msia ni mmg kene buli tahap teruk punya..dlm hierarchy Ministry of Health tu kirenye Houseman ni la yg paling bwh skali..basically u work mcm kuli la, sume benda u kene buat..tido tak cukup..makan pun kira lucky la if u sempat nak teguk air. if anythg goes wrong u yg kene eventhough u tak buat benda tu..ade org kata kat i, kalo nak jadi Houseman tak perlu la pandai sgt or genius ke, yg penting u kene ade kebolehan 'tahan maki' - which is so true.
so yeah, i am scared. cuma mampu berdoa je la supaya Allah permudahkan my next 2 years as a Houseman. i have to warn you early though, once i start working, i will barely have time for myself , apetah lagi nak ade masa utk blogging + memasak ni. jadinya bila i kerja nanti this blog will be on hiatus for a long time i guess. sedih pulak lepas ni takleh nak blogging lagi :((
semalam pun, lepas dah isi borang2 SPA tu semua, terus i mcm bersemangat nak punggah my clothes yg berkotak2 masa i kat Penang hari tu. mmg bertimbun2 baju smpai pening kepala. hadehh..but mostly i took out all my baju kurungs, my labcoats, slacks and formal shirts to wear to work. dah siap2 masukkan dlm luggage dah mom tgk pun terkejut, die ckp mcm i dah ready nak pindah masuk quarters houseman je..huhu..yela, kene la bersedia from now so that i takla terkejut sgt nanti :)
skrg ni ade byk to-do lists. these are what i can think of now:
1. read up Sarawak Handbook of Medical Emergencies and make sure i khatam buku tu before raya ni. pastu kene khatam jugak my Advanced Life Support notes sblm kerja - mana la tau nanti patient i collapse kene resuscitate - tak pasal2 i melangok je tak tau nak buat ape nanti kan. buat malu kolej i je..huhu..
2. kemas and get my other notes for Paediatrics, Obstetrics + Gynaecology, Medicine and Surgery into boxes siap2. i ni jenis yg bace notes sendiri, so kene siapkan nota2 tu dlm kotak from now..nanti kot2 i dpt first posting O+G or paeds ke, takla gelabah nak geledah semua notes tu nanti.
3. find comfy shoes spy kaki tak sakit especially kalo on-call.
4. nanti before start kerja, i kene beli bertin-tin milo and nescafe. they have to be handy in the pantry just in case i don't have time to eat. trust me, dulu my sister mmg tak sempat2 nak makan sehari2. lepas keje masa dah malam baru la bole isi perut. mau tak pengsan..i better be prepared rather than be sorry, right? ;)
so far tu je la yg i bole fikirkan. im sure there's a lot more that needs to be done, but i'll think of the rest as i go along. ni pulak i nak tunjuk buku yg my mom beriya2 suruh i baca hari tu:
haha..lame tak bace novel melayu. buku ni student my mom yg beriya2 recommend kat dia. tu yg my mom pun beli suruh i ngan my sister baca. penulis buku ni mmg doktor pun, but he's completed his Housemanship a long time ago dah..basically buku ni cite pasal jerih payah seorg houseman masa 2 tahun training kat Hospital Selayang (hospital impian i tu) . bole jugak la layan buku ni sbb dia ada cerita pasal agama jugak..i bace buku ni masa dlm flight to Jeddah 2 minggu lepas, dah khatam dah pun :). sesape yg nak jadi doctor, or tgh terpk2 nak jadi doctor, or nak tahu ape rasanya jadi doctor houseman a.k.a kuli - bole la beli dan baca buku ni ye. ;) hehe
petang ni i tak masak. goyang kaki today sbb nak buka puasa with my besties, Asil and Nima. yeayy!