haha...i have reasons for taking them. obviously not for contraceptive purposes!!! (laki pon takda lagi maa...haishh)
since i have now slightly recovered (hahaha ;P), i'm just going to share with you something that i found while tidying up my old closet:-

huhu..ade la jugak pengubat duka dok gelak2 tgk karangan bengong tu..hihi..i showed it to my dad td when he came back from work, and he said he'll scan buku karangan i tu utk kenang-kenangan..mcm tula my dad, sume benda pun nak di scan and dibuat kenangan.huhu :D
talking bout a new project, i kene jahit satu jubah ni..bukan jahit ape, kene alter sbnrnye..hari tu hantar ke tailor suruh alter and add matching kain chiffon kat bhgn bawah jubah tu, sbb nye bila i pakai agak senteng..skali bile td amek dr tailor tu, jadi terlebih panjang sgt2 smpai menyapu lantai..adehh..pulak tu td tak try baju tu time kat tailor, dah balik umah baru perasan..pastu malas nak pegi balik, udahnye i tekad la nak jahit n pendekkan balik jubah ni..jahit tgn je la kot, malas nak pakai mesin..plus im not that good with sewing ni..harapnye jgn rosak la jubah ni aku buatt...huhu..

ckp pasal food plak, this is tonite's dinner - chicken curry:

..and sayurnye pulak:

Waaa...Nice N3...cute sangat kecuali tu kat atas..pil apa tu?....
ReplyDeletehahaha..pil ape ek? jeng jeng jeng..hehe nnt dlm entry2 yg akan dtg sy cite ye..hehe
ReplyDeletekarangn tak lawak pun kata lawak ker? adeiihhh